Quotes attributed to Louis XIV
- "L'etat, c'est moi."
- "Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer."
- "I order you not to sign anything, not even a passport...without my command." (Declaration on acceding to full power at age 23)
- "I loved war too much. Do not follow me in that or in overspending." (Deathbead advice to his successor)
All of these quotes had a huge reflection of Louis XIV. He was in huge debt with many countries, and Louis loved to go to war. Louis did not want his grandson to go through the same heartache as he felt. Louis regreted many of his actions as monarch.
Louis XVI was described as a powerful leader that fully represented what absolute monarchy was all about. "L'etat c'est moi" as an absolute monarch Louis XVI wanted all his nobles and ministers to devote their lives to him, the KING . He ordered them to not to do anything or sing anything without his concent. Louis XVI feared the power of the nobles ,that were capable to overthrow him if they did not like him, so he created the court of Versailles to keep them close to him and excluding them from real power. After all his overspending King Louis XVI saw that they might have been unnecessary and on his deathbed gave advice to his successor and warned him from following his mistakes on overspending.
In order to keep his enemies close Louis XIV built Versailles. He kept his most unreliable Noble and Princess of the blood to keep them from governing the country. Louis wanted everything to be run by him. He wanted to show everyone to know he was in control.The last quote Louis didn’t want his successor in his steps. He left the country in a lot of debt and with many enemies. He is hoping his successor will make things better
Louis XIV had a bad childhood he had to leave France at a young age because he would have been killed if he hadn’t. The quotes have a lot to do with Louis "Keep your friends close; but keep your enemies closer this was because he couldn’t trust the noble because of what happen before so he built Versailles. The second quote "I order you not to sign anything, not even a passport...without my command." This is also because he did that trust anybody and at this age he became fully in control. His last quote means that he had many regrets.
Louis XIV was one of Frances most powerful and intelligent ruler. He loved starting war for no aparent reason and created many enemies by doing so. Louis XIV feared for his life after being exiled from his own country because of his reiligion, For this reason, Louis XIV decided to create Versailles in order to keep an eye on his enemies which is why he said, "Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer."
These Quotes show that Louis the XIV is strong, and he wanted full control of his country when he said" I order you not to sign anything, not even a passport...without my command." He also regretted being involved in so many wars and gave his grandsons this advice to not be in so may wars. Which his grandsons did not listen, which made the country be in war
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