Monday, October 13, 2008

"A Reformation Debate: The Marburg Colloquy"

What is the issue being debated by Luther and Zwigli? What would have been the Catholic Church's position if Catholic representatives had been included in the debate? Based on this example, why do you think the Reformation debates led to further hostility rather than the compromise and unity between relitious and sectarian opponents? (page 359)


watkins_shuneice said...

The issue being debated by Luther and Zwingli is over the sacrament of the Lord's Supper at Mapsburg in 1529.

IvanS said...

Its imposible to compromise at all because religoing can rely be the main reson there is hatred. its just begign for troble to get the catholic church involved. people will kill for their beliefs. Marting luther king junier didnt kill anymody but soem killed him for his belief, malcom x carierd a m1a1 carbine for self defence. So people will go to extremes for their ideas. Martin luther king wasnt the only man that had a dream. And that man almsot got close to his dream.....